
Partial Breastfeeding

I am at a point physically and mentally where I am looking to reduce pumping at work to 1x if not eliminate it all together.  I love bfing and could see myself doing it for an extended time but I can't do this whole pumping thing anymore.  I appreciate any advice but this was a hard decision to make so please do not try to encourage me to pump more often at work.


Here is what I am trying to do:

6/6:30 am - breastfeed

9am- lo gets formula

12pm- I pump at work and lo gets bm/formula

3pm-lo gets formula

6/6:30pm- breastfeed

8/8:30pm- breastfeed

Overnight- breastfeed


The only difference on the weekends would be that I would feed him directly at 12pm and maybe offer him the breast at 9am and 3pm before following with a bottle of formula.  Does this sound like it can work?  Also, how much formula should he be getting since the calculation is different for bm and formula?


I had an easy time breastfeeding while on maternity leave and no supply issues except possibly the 8/8:30pm session lately.

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