July 2012 Moms

AW: LO's first NFL game! (PIP)

We went, and had a great time....

If you missed it, DH won tickets from work to the Redskins game this weekend.  They were suite tickets, so we were semi-indoors.  It was a bit loud, but if we went to the back of the suite it wasn't so bad.  She didn't mind at all though, she ended up falling asleep for pretty much the entire 2nd quarter, and then we left in the third: 1) so we could get out of the parking lot, because it's a crazy mess, and not have to deal with the traffic and a potential screaming baby  2) because DH wanted to come home and watch the baseball game, ha!

ETA:  I had a bad mom moment on the way there... I forgot formula and bottles! Embarrassed  So we had to stop at Target on the way there and I picked up the premade formula bottles and nipples to go with... Who does that?!?! *facepalm*

But here's my little fan at her first Pro-Sporting event...

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