1st Trimester

Can anyone relate? Misery does love company....

I am now in what I guess are the full throes of MS.  I have NOT (thank the lord) thrown up yet, but pretty much feel like utter garbage all day, every day for the last few days (I'm a little over 7 weeks) and have come close to throwing up a couple times.  I am trying to be productive at work and am having a hard time even just sitting at my desk without feeling like I need to curl up in a ball and cry.  I know many of you can relate.  I was just thinking about this earlier when I was talking to a girl I work with (who I told b/c I see her every single day, was hard to hide it); I feel HORRIBLE physically, and then mentally it makes me feel worse because I WANT this baby.  It's like this constant push/pull where I feel like crying because I feel so sick (and nobody IRL knows really) but then I know that this is how it has to be if I want to have a child so then I feel bad and guilty for feeling so miserable.  Like, I asked for this - ya know? 

I guess I just needed to vent to folks who probably understand what I mean.  This is SO MUCH HARDER than I thought it would be.  Very few of my friends had MS and I just sort of assumed that would be me.  And trust me - I realize there are many out there who have it much worse than I do.  I just find myself struggling through this pity party and I want to cry every single day.  And I am generally not a crier!

 Thanks for listening (and any m/s advice you have is appreciated - I have tried sour, potato chips, peppermint, crackers, eating tiny "meals" all day, gonna try and buy some of those sea bands later I think....)

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