1st Trimester

If you already have 2 kids....

I got a BFP over the weekend - it's very early still - I'm just 4 weeks now. It was planned - Dh and I talked a lot about this, and we feel ready - we don't want #2 to be that far apart from DS (he's 20 months now).  So when #2 comes they will be about 2.5 yrs apart.

I'm so excited - but I'm also freaking out.  I couldn't even sleep last night - how will I handle 2 children?!?  (I'm sure you moms of 2 or more are laughing now  ;)

DS still doesn't sleep thru the night - he always wakes up - & we end up bringing him in our bed b/c we're so tired.  We want to stop this habit now.  I can't imagine nursing a newborn all night and having DS up too every single night!

I'm just kind of freaking out at the thought of having to take care of 2 kids...  Any advice/tips to help me calm down?  DS was a very demanding and colicky baby - now he's a great toddler - this baby could be totally opposite tho...

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