March 2013 Moms

ER visit rant

So, I went to the ER early this morning for dehydration. I woke up around 3am just not feeling good and noticed it was burning really badly when I pee again (I'm on antibiotics for a UTI) and I kept getting the urge to pee but didn't actually need to, etc, and I was in such agony again that I was planning on calling and getting into the Dr as soon as they open this morning. Well, I woke up an hour or so later feeling really dehydrated and couldn't keep juice or even a little bit of water down without vomiting (and I haven't thrown up once since pregnant), and when I started to get shaky and dizzy I felt so dehydrated, I got really concerned and convinced my husband to get out of bed and take me to the ER.

WELL, the nurse who admitted me and took my vitals made me feel like an idiot for coming in. She was like, oh, you've just been vomiting for one night? That's not enough to be dehydrated. You don't look that bad to me. Funny, when the other nurse came into to take blood and start an IV, she couldn't find a vein because I was so dehydrated....

 The doctor also made me feel like an vomiting is a part of pregnancy, and he didn't really care that I felt nauseous because I was dehydrated, I wasn't dehydrated because I've been nauseous (other than not being able to keep fluids down tonight). He finally ran tests to make sure my UTI didn't turn into a kidney infection or anything and everything came back normal...and, once I had a couple bags of IV fluid, I felt better.

I'm a long-distance runner, I know how to listen to my body and know what it feels like to be dehydrated (and usually drink plenty of water, but I think I got so busy at work this weekend it just didn't happen)...I don't know why they all had to make me feel so stupid for going in there...

End Rant.

The one not so horrible part of the experience was the nurse who was taking care of me. She came to get the baby's heart rate, and I think she woke him/her up, because she found the heart rate for a split second way to one side, and then baby immediately started moving all around and she had to chase it with the doppler, but baby kept moving as soon as she found it. :)



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