
Pumping WWYD? (spa day)

Wed is our anniversary, and DH decided we should take the day off and booked us massages at the spa at the hotel where we got married.  I'll pump in the morning before the massages as usual, but we also want to do lunch after the appointments, and I don't want to feel rushed through lunch or have engorged breasts - so I want to pump between my massage and lunch.

If you were getting a massage and then having lunch, where would you pump in between?  I thought it wouldn't be a big deal to pump in the ladies locker room at the spa, but DH thinks it might bother some women there to just relax and thinks I need to ask permission first (...but even if the staff says ok, how does that prevent an old biddy from getting her panties into a twist?).  He thinks I should pump in his car - less comfortable from my standpoint, but still doable.  WWYD?

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
? BFP 11/20/10 hb 12/14/10 natural m/c 12/25/10 at 8w3d ?

? BFP 9/18/11 DD born 5/17/12 at 38w3d ?

Fateful appt. 2/11: Saline sono - polyp; thyroid nodule; mycoplasma/ureaplasma STD found & treated ? 3/17/11: Hysteroscopy to remove polyp ? Total thyroidectomy (papillary carcinoma) 4/4/11; RAI 5/9/11
Cancer killed! 5/19/11
Medical green-light to TTC 8/15/11..BFP 9/18/11! <a href=" images/?action=view
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