July 2012 Moms

to leave or not to leave.....

So next weekend several family and friends are getting together to go to seaworld on Sunday. I was discussing it with my DH and our best friends and they all thought that we should go over Saturday night, go out and have some drinks spend the night and then already be in Orlando Sunday morning to go to seaworld. I was discussing with my MIL about the plans, since her and her boyfriend are going to seaworld with us, and she mentioned keeping DS saturday night for us and then bringing him to seaworld with her sunday morning. Well I dont really feel comfortable doing this just yet, however DH thinks its a great idea.

So here are my issues: MIL lives about 15 minutes from us but is only home 2 weekends a month (gets in friday night late and leaves sunday afternoon) because she has a consulting job in NC right now so DS really doesnt know her that well since he doesnt hardly ever see her. MIL sometimes drinks several alcoholic beverages when she is home on those weekends, she has no where for DS to sleep and I dont  know how I feel about being a little over an hour away if something were to happen.

Am I being over protective, paranoid, unrealistic, selfish??? Thanks for reading this long vent but I needed to get it out since DH thinks its the best idea ever and doesnt see my side of it.

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