1st Trimester

Intro and 8wk2days Doppler =)

Hi Ladies, 

 I've been lurking on the bump for a little over a year now. DH and I got married July 2011, but we've been together for 8 years. We live in Baltimore- DH is a grad student, I'm an RN. We started TTC this August and got our BFP on 9/6/12. 

 I'm currently 8wks 2days along. I had purchased a Sonoline B Fetal Doppler last week but didn't have any success with hearing the HB until tonight!! I moved the wand around my belly for about 30 minutes just hearing the sound of blood through my own arteries when all of a sudden this quiet little hearbeat about 155bpm came up right above my pubic bone on the left side. My DH was sitting on the couch listening and could not believe it. It feels like such a dream!!

We have our first appt Tuesday and can't wait to see our little babe.

H&H 9 months to you all! =) 

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