
I switched!! EP to EBF

My LO is 6 weeks.  Was in the NICU for 3 days with breathing issues.  I EPed for 6 weeks but kept up "comfort" breastfeeding every once in a while (not really every day though).  I kept trying to switch to EBF, but I would get so discouraged by 1) not knowing if she got enough (ESPECIALLY since she would get so fussy afterwards sometimes), and 2) nipple pain and not knowing if her latch was okay.

 I kept in touch with the hospital LCs through over-the-phone advice, but I basically just took it all in and made decisions on my own...  and after 3 attempts to switch, I finally did it.  Well, it's been 4 days since I have pumped and LO has not had bottles during that time, either.  For me, I consider it a success at this point because I NEVER got even near 24 hours of EBF for my last attempts... I just gave up and it always ended with me crying.

 Keys to my success:
1.  Googling EP to EBF and reading tons of peoples experiences with it on thebump and babycenter

2.  A baby scale.  It is HUGE for me to have the peace of mind that LO is getting enough milk.  I plan on doing weighed feedings for the first couple of weeks of EBF.  

3.  Free LC advice over the phone

I am going to go to my first breastfeeding support group session this upcoming Wednesday!  I am so proud of myself!

Oh yeah- I forgot to mention the MILLIONS of awful things that were associated with the transition.  Waterfall streaming BM leakage (THROUGH my nursing pads), engorgement, hard lumpy breasts from the ducts getting all clogged up, and the intense pain!!!   UGH!  Oh, and sometimes being a fire hydrant, spraying LO in the face with milk due to overactive letdown.  These things have mostly gone away though... only slight pain still.  I follow LC advice to apply cold packs after feedings, and warm wash cloths right before nursing (to loosen clogged ducts).  

But the pay off makes it sooo worth it.  I feel like I have TIME again. I feel like I can sleep, and have a little "me" time.  In my opinion, it is sooo much less work than EPing.  And having more relaxation time with LO is also great!
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