
Bladder cut during emergency C-section.....

I was trying to search on here if anyone has ever had their bladder cut during a c-section, but found no results...I did however find some on other websites but i'm still curious as to how a bladder heal on its own after being cut and "repaired" during the Csection...it'll be 5weeks in 2days and i'm still walking around with a catheter and it is NO FUN at all...This is my 3rd child..my first pregnancy was an unplanned c-section..... she was too big, then i had a vaginal birth with my second in which i ended up with stitches down there because my son tore me..Now with this 3rd one, i had opted to do a VBAC but unfortuantely it turned into an emergency csection because my baby had a cord prolapse....meaning her umbilical cord was on top of her head which would cause her to lose oxygen, so they had to take her out immediately..i woke up in the ICU all drugged up and not even wondering why i was there, doctors were in and out telling me what had happened but it still never registered until days later that my bladder was cut in which it had to be repaired and i had lost a third of my blood and need a transfusion! with all the meds in my system it was hard to even be mad about my situation! Being that i had a catheter on, i thought it would be removed before i left the hospital..turns out, i had to go home with it on :-( Doctors said it was to help my bladder heal...i was to go back a week later hoping to have it removed, it turns out i still had a leak in my bladder so they gave me another week, still no progress, so another 2wks! total of 5 weeks!!! and if this bladder has not healed yet, my other option will be to have another surgery!! i'm hoping and praying that when i go in this time, my bladder has healed..im just so over it already!


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