1st Trimester

Anyone pregnant with 3??

Just curious if I am the only one feeling this way. I had a mc in April and was trying since then for baby 3. I am now 8.5 weeks along. I've always felt having 3 kids would complete my family. Now I'm kind of doubting 3. I mean, I was very happy when I found out I was pregnant again. But now I'm just feeling blah about it all. I've been feeling nauseous and no food tastes right and I'm tired a lot. Everything my husband does or doesn't do seem to bother me even more. I'm sure this is just my hormones messing with me and I'll get more excited and less stressed as this pregnancy goes on. Please tell me this is just hormones!!
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My Ovulation Chart
early m/c 09/05, early m/c 02/08,and missed m/c 04/12 at 16 weeks **I was Diagnosed with Factor V Leiden & Heterozygous Mthfr 02/08 I was put on Lovenox while pregnant with my daughter and will also be for my next pregnancy
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