
Insurance covering pump question

If anyone got their pump paid for by insurance, how did you go about it? I've spent hours on the phone with the ins company and pump company last week. My ins covers it at 90%, and they gave me the number of a medical supply co called Edgepark. They handled everything very well, asked me what type of pump I preferred from what they carried and I specified a double electric Medela pump in style or pump in style advanced. I then get this medela pump in the mail but it's the no frills WIC version(says so on the paperwork, it's called the advanced personal double electric pump). Noone told me about this, nor did I know this pump model even existed. I'd really like the Medela PISA metro bag version, but talking to the sales rep, they said the problem was that the contract my BCBS has with them specifically says they will only pay for the WIC style pump. My ins representatives were kind of at a loss of what to tell me since they don't know the contract specifics, but left me in the dark about whether I can even order a PISA without this restriction popping up again. The ins only covers 60% of the pump if I go out of network. It does cover 90% from a professional supplier...but I'm confused as to what that means-can I buy the pump at BRU then? WWYD? Keep the WIC version? Order what I really want from a different place, and submit the claim with my fingers crossed? They sent me a phone number list of 50 other in network medical supply places but honestly, most of them don't even carry pumps and I don't have the time to call each one...

I already own a PISA. The WIC version comes in a yellow bag, is louder, does not have a separate cooling bag but a compartment in the bag itself, the a/c adaptor is huge, no battery pack, and is cumbersome to carry since the strap doesn't adjust. The thing only cost me $20 but it's not what I want. Edgepark has been great and even though I opened the box is willing to accept the pump back.  


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