
Need some encouragement

LO is 3 weeks old and we have ups and downs with breastfeeding on a daily basis. His latest trick is to pull back or pull off entirely multiple times while I'm nursing him and it is causing some serious nipple soreness. I already have a cracked nipple on the other side from earlier latch issues, and it seems like every time I try to feed him its a battle. The thing is, we occasionally have a good session and I relax a little and remind myself that this is the best thing for him, and I do actually enjoy nursing when he's not fighting me, but more often than not nursing ends with both of us in tears. Fortunately he's gaining weight really well (birth weight was 8 lbs 1 oz and he's already over 10 lbs) so I know he's getting enough, but I want to quit and go to formula at least once every day. It will get easier, right??
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