
HELP - wayyyy TMI

Ok, I do not know what is going on but it is like my body has forgotten how to poop, as a result I am taking prune juice, collace, miralax, greek yogurt (basically you name it and I'm on it) to help things along.  My baby is awesome and NEVER reacted poorly to my diet - until now!   I feel like I have 3 choices

1) mom never poops and feels awful

2) baby poops ALL day and has painful gas

3) I wean (which isn't even really choice cause I'll opt for #1 before that)

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions or if there is a possibility i'm not the only one with this very strange problem.  To add weirdness to this situation we recently moved from NY to NC and this has been since we moved, my DD has also been constipated for the first time in her LIFE, she is now taking miralax as well.  I'm wondering if it could be the water or something>?   We have a Britta...  HELP

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