
If you had thrush and froze milk

If you had thrush and froze milk during symptoms and treatment, did LO get thrush when you gave them the frozen milk? There are differing opinions on whether or not it's safe to use the frozen milk. LO's pedi and my CNM both told me it was fine to use. My lactation consultant told me that the recommendation now is not to use it, but she doesn't understand why. She said a study was even done where yeast could not grow or survive in BM., the website that so many bumpers trust, says not to throw away frozen expressed milk. There are recommendations on there to scald the milk and/or mix it with milk that was not expressed during thrush. So, if you used expressed milk from a time when you had thrush, we're there any adverse affects to you or LO? I have what my CNM thinks is thrush. I've had it for a couple weeks and am taking Diflucan. LO has no symptoms FWIW.
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