1st Trimester

Our new LO is already being a trouble maker

So at my appointment Friday my amazing doc asked how I was. I said great except the fear of not finding a heartbeat during my checkups. We miscarried in June so now I am very anxious until I get that confirmation each month. So of course our little trouble maker had to hide. She spent ten minutes looking and finally sent me to ultrasound. our first used to hide, kick the doppler, move so all you heard was swish so looking for awhile is nothing new but I never experienced not finding her. So there I sat in the lobby waiting for ultrasound... 5 min, 10 min. Finally taken back and sure enough, the little troublemaker is there, moving around and being dramatic with a great pictures of its hand on its head.
2nd EDD 02/01/13 - MC 5 1/2 weeks 6/5/12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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