
Anyone pg and determined to make it work this time (after a first-time failure)?

I was only able to give my baby three months of nothing but breast milk... soon after he came home from the NICU (he was a 29-week preemie), my supply started tanking and soon I could only give him 3-10 ounces/day. I had a lot against me (only one breast b/c of a mastectomy, the 11 weeks early thing, an unplanned c-section, and 9 weeks in the NICU... I think the long separation did us in more than anything... then I had the most painful nipple thrush imaginable that didn't respond to aggressive treatment for THREE MONTHS -- and yes, I tried literally everything.)

Still, I'm grateful I was able to give him 100% breast milk for his first three months (and as much as I could after that).

I am now 17 weeks pregnant with his baby brother, and I am DETERMINED to make it work this time. Praying this baby makes it to full term, in which case I think it will be a piece of cake now that I know all about proper latching, how to prevent thrush, etc. I also have THREE high-quality pumps in case I need to do some extra pumping (though I want to try for BFing only this time if possible).

My breasts are already soooo full (well -- the one, anyway!) and I can tell I'll likely be a decent producer like before, but hopefully without the preemie + thrush factors working against me. I am so determined to make it work this time for at least a year, I'm even dreaming about it. (Oh, and Jack will be 13 months old if his brother arrives full term... I can't wait to be able to give him breast milk again, too!!)

Anyone else fail the first time but are determined to make it work this time? or did you have problems with your first baby but made it work with subsequent babies? As determined as I am to make it work, I also realize that I was just as determined with Jack, and failed... so I know I have to work super-hard to make sure it works this time. 

Julia ~ six miscarriages ~ our sweet miracle baby, Jack, due 5/3/12, was born at 29w1d on February 17, 2012, weighing 2 pounds 8 ounces Lilypie Premature Baby tickers BabyFetus Ticker
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