July 2012 Moms

SallySunrise & others from the FFFC

I tried it once when I was 21 with one of my best friends. He, to my astonishment had a cigar box full of "choice blends" as I recall. He picked a "mellow" blend.... I didn't know that you were supposed to take a "puff" and then stop. I basically smoked the thing down a 1/4 of the way before he stopped me! He was like "Oh my god you're gonna' be soooo high!" So naturally I was like, "OMG!?" lmao. All I wanted to do was clean and organize things... Then I fell asleep. No biggie. I tried it b/c I was never interested in partying or doing things like that growing up. I'm pretty straight-laced. I ended up trying it at 21 b/c I figured a little hurrah never hurt anyone. I'm an adult and I'm trying this b/c I'm curious about the hub-bub not for any other reason.

However when you're kids are older and you talk about them "trying" it you can tell them how you were able to avoid peer pressure and others influence. :)

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