July 2012 Moms

Clarification regarding DH

I'm not sure whether this is appropriate, or whether he would want me to, but I feel the need to say a few words about my DH.

Over the past few months I've said some things about my DH on here and IRL I wish I could take back. Specifically I made mention of insensitive and unsupportive behavior.

What we learned is that my DH was suffering from a disease that altered his personality. Irritability, forgetfulness, and impatience were all symptoms of his illness. All those months he was quite simply not himself. The loving, gentle, sweet man I had married was consumed by symptoms of a terrible disease.

I am filled with so many regrets about so many things, you've no idea, but i need to rectify my treatment of him here. I never discussed how truly warm, funny, irreverent, generous, and affectionate he was. For that I am truly sorry.
TTC since October 2009
2 failed IUIs with Clomid
IVF #1, ER 10/29/2011
ET 11/3/2011
One embryo transferred, four frozen
11/12/2011, BFP, 11/13/2011, BFP, 11/14/2011, BFP First Beta 11/14/2011, 499
Second Beta 11/16/2011, 893
Third Beta 11/18/2011, 1510
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