July 2012 Moms

Answered Prayer

So I went back to work Monday, and LO has been in daycare. This is a 5 star rated daycare that is known in our city as "the Harvard of daycares" and has a nearly 3 year wait list. But I have not been impressed and have had a few minor issues all week, e.g. they don't rinse the bottles so I end up scrubbing them forever each night etc. However, today I totally lost it.

DH picked up Tripp at 5:00 and when he got home, noticed that he had a very full diaper so much so that he peed out the front (unusual for us). In DH's words, "it looked like he had peed his entire body weight and then some". Turns out, the daily report card revealed that our sweet angel had not been changed since 12:45. Absolutely unacceptable! This is just a snapshot - and and it made us wonder what other corners they are cutting. I cried my eyes out and rocked the baby while telling him how sorry I was that he wasn't being cared for well. DH called them, and they basically said that they didn't think it was an issue. This is insult to injury, as it kills me to pay a small fortune for someone else to do what I desperately want to do. But with DH's law school loans and the big promotion I just got, it's not in the cards right now.

Then my wonderful husband got on the phone and called my mother and told her what happened and how upset I was. My sweet mother, who works part time, volunteered to quit her job and watch Tripp instead. She is so good with him, and now we don't have to worry about who will take care of him if he is too sick, or how to get him to his well-child checks, or rushing out of meetings to make it to the daycare on time. If I can't be at home with him, this is the next best thing. And it gives my mom purpose, more so than some meaningless part time job. My husband arranged for us to pay her what we're paying in daycare, but really what she is doing for us is priceless.

I am feeling so very grateful tonight. This truly is an answered prayer.  

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