July 2012 Moms

Birth control?

I am going to start the mini pill since I am breastfeeding when will I get my first period? Also, will the pill effect my supply? Thanks
TTC since 06/2010 HSG-clear,SA-good DX:Unexplained IUI#1-(May) 100mg of clomid +trigger + progerstrone supp=BFN IUlI#2-(June) 100mg of clomide+trigger+progesterone supp=BFN JuLy Break for vaca. IUI#3 (Aug) 100mg of clomid+trigger+progesterone=BFN IVF trial started in Oct-Nov ER-15 Retrieved, 13 mature, 11 fertilized. 5dt on 11-15-11 Beta #1 9dp 5dt= 107 Beta#2 331 Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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