1st Trimester


I am 27 and just found out I was pregnant last Sat.This is my first pregnancy. I took a HPT and it showed a somewhat faint 2nd line. The line was blaitent (sp?) but not really dark. My LMP was 8/28 so by calculations I should be 5-6 weeks pregnant. The reason I am freaking out it because of what happened last night. When I went to the bathroom and wiped there was some blood. It wasn't a crazy amount but it was there and I got scared. I called my OBGYN office and spoke to the Dr on call and she ordered me to have my blood drawn this AM. Got a call back and my pregnancy hormone level is 18, which she said is low so I have to have it drawn again. I just don't know if I am MC or not. I have no cramping. Just weird gassy type feeling. And I am still spotting. My husband and I haven't told anyone so I have NO ONE to talk to about this to ease my stress. I read some other message boards on other sites and other mothers and mothers to be said spotting was normal. I just don't know what to do. As for pregnancy symptoms I have been really tired and I have some soreness for my breasts but that is it. No food aversion really or nausea.  Any imput would be greatly appreciated!
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