1st Trimester

Just the beginning

Last week I was incredibly sick. My throat was swollen, my gums were swollen and irritated and I started getting sores on the inside of my mouth and my lips. I went to urgent care as I was unable to eat anything and they told me I had thrush. :( They gave me some stuff to clear it up and it finally helped. The swelling in my gums went down and everything started feeling better, just in time for morning sickness to kick in.

There hasn't been a lot of throwing up, more so queasiness. And all around being exhausted constantly. The sensitivity to smell is incredible. I can smell things that my DH thinks I'm crazy for being able to smell. And now our wonderful air freshener in the living room smells so awful to me. Also, my hormones have been crazy and I am so emotional! It doesn't help that we're away from our families so I don't have my mom or any family here.

 Finally, I have my first Doc appt in a week! I am very excited! I feel like it's taken forever to get here! I'm not sure what my first appt will consist of...any tips would be appreciated :) I'm also glad DH will be able to go!

Well that's all from me. Sorry just needed to get everything going through my head out there! 

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