July 2012 Moms

Snuza Alarmed Last Night...

Last time I'll mention Snuza, but it was our first night with it. I felt relief instantly when we put it on her. We tested it out and it works perfectly. At about 5am the alarm sounded and I ran into her room as fast as I could and scooped her into my arms and she woke up. I think she rolled onto her side and the Snuza was no longer in contact with her tummy to monitor the movement/breathing. I almost didn't have time to get scared I ran in there so fast and before I knew it I saw her eyes open. Such a relief. I would much rather have 500 false alarms than no alarm and have it be the real thing. I wasn't anticipating the alarm going off either. I don't anticipate needing this device, but it provides some comfort to my freaking out mind. For those of you on the fence... I'm personally very comforted that I purchased it. I'm still such a light sleeper I wake up to any noise she makes, but I felt more at ease. The best $100 I've spent. I'd rather spend any amount of money if it might save her life, than not spend the money and have it be too late. I don't know how it will be when she starts moving/rolling all over the crib, but I'll deal with it when we get there.
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