July 2012 Moms

LO is forcing me to use CIO

I hate the idea of CIO but LO is giving me no choice. He has always been good about putting himself to sleep - usually with a pacifier but often without. Even though he doesn't sleep long, I've been totally spoiled so far.

Well, all of a sudden he hates the pacifier and will only fall asleep in my arms. When I put him down, he cries. He used to whimper a little and then go to sleep, but now he straight up cries. For the last few days I've been rocking him to sleep and he still won't sleep in the crib. So, for his naps today, I've been letting him cry a little (like 5 minutes). And wouldn't you know it, he'll sleep after a few minutes. I hate letting him cry, but I hate having him rely on getting rocked to sleep more! 

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