July 2012 Moms

Inconsistent sleep patterns

Ok, so Kellen sleeps decently at night, but it is pretty inconsistent. We are trying to get him to go from 10ish-4 and then again until 8. He sometimes makes it to 4, sometimes even 4:30, but sometimes he only makes it to 3 or even 2:30. We do the same pattern every night starting at 6pm. Before that, he is fed pretty much on demand and then we keep our schedule of 6pm feeding, 8pm feeding, and 10pm feeding. He is passed out as soon as he eats at 10 and we put him to sleep.

So, why is his first stretch of sleep so inconsistent? It sucks when he wakes up at 3 because then he will only make it until 7ish and if he wakes up at 2:30, he wakes again at 6:30! And after he wakes for the second time, he doesn't go back down until like 10. Is there anything I can do to make things more consistent? We want to get him pretty consistent before moving him to his crib. Thanks y'all!

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