
can I increase supply two and a half weeks after birth?

I have been pumping since I left the hospital because baby could not latch on and had some medical problems.  I have been supplementing with formula as I never intended to pump 8 to 12 times a day.  Anyways, I have been pumping two to three times a day with a good quality pump figuring that some breast milk is better than none.  Well, I have been reading some of your posts and see that some of you produce over 10 of milk per session.  I get excited if I get more than 3 oz!  Anyways, I know that this is partly because I am pumping so infrequently.  My question is, baby was born 2 and half weeks ago - Can I start pumping more frequently now to increase my supply or have I already messed up my supply? Thanks!

Margaret Murphy born 9/15/12!
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