July 2012 Moms

I hate my HR dept

My HR department is comprised of 2 horrible, horrible women who never seem to know what's going on or how to do their jobs. In order to get any answers from them I have to email them (to have it in writing) and CC the VP of the company (my boss' boss). Then I get a super snarky reply because they're mad I CC'd the VP.

Well today takes the cake. I get an email from one of them about scheduling my exit interview. My what?!! I immediately start panicking because I think I'm getting fired. I'm so upset that (1) I'm losing my job and (2) this is how they tell me I'm losing my job. Then I start getting mad because I've only been back to work for 3 days and now I'm getting fired and it's so crappy to be in that situation.

So I go to talk to my boss to ask what's going on and if in fact I'm getting fired. He has to make a half dozen calls to track down one of the HR women and asks what's going on. Their response "Oops! We meant to send that email to another Jessica! Hope we didn't make her worry!" (insert obnoxious giggle). If I could have reached through the phone and punched her, I think I would have.

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