
7 month old eats poorly during the day, chows down at night

My 7 month old has been BF-ed most of her life, getting bottles of pumped milk 2 days a week during the day.  She has been a fairly distracted nurser for a good 4 months or so now, but by feeding her frequently I was able to get enough calories in her during the day.  She is on the high end of the growth charts and the pediatrician is always happy with her progress during well-visits.  She is currently on 2 solid meals a day, breakfast and dinner, which she loves.  I offer solids anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes after nursing so that she gets milk before solids.

About a month ago she started STTN, going about 12 hours from her bedtime feeding until morning.  About a week ago she started teething and was not nursing well during the day.  When she started waking up to eat I fed her because I knew she wasn't eating well.

Unfortunately we're now stuck in a bad cycle where the teething is over but she is getting too many calories at night, leading to extra wake-ups for diaper changes and so on.  She wants to play all day and then do her eating at night, but it's affecting both of our sleep.  Co-sleeping and all-night nursing are not an option for us.

During the day she will literally nurse for a minute or so until she's no longer starving then pop off to play.  I can get maybe 3-4 feeds of 7 minutes each but other than that she just won't latch and eat.

How can I get her to nurse better during the day?  I'm fine if she still needs to eat at night, but I don't want her in the habit of getting more calories at night than she needs to get because sleep is important for her too!

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