
Supply tanking?

I have been ebf since birth and she is now 4.5 months and all was well until about last week. She has been sleeping 88 for about 2 months now and what I have been doing is waking around 5 and pumping because I was so engorged. She did have a feeding at that time but dropped it. The last week or so I've not been nearly engorged so I stopped pumping. I nurse her first thing and every 23 hrs through the day. I was block feeding because I kept getting a clogged duct on one side and that seemed to help and it worked for us. Now this week I'm having to nurse on both sides to satisfy her. And by the time bed time rolls around she will suck suck suck and wait for milk but it just won't come. I feel so quilty with her at the breast just waiting for milk. When I do let down she gets 45 good swallows and that's it.
I've dropped the pump session and I have been making serious efforts to eat meals and snack in between, and now I have less milk than before. I'm at a loss here. Any suggestions or ideas as to what might be going on and what I can do to hopefully fix this?!
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