July 2012 Moms

Friend vent

My DH was fired at one of his jobs Monday for the most tucked up reason. His manager/our friend was pissed he applied to a job. A place where her husband works. He had asked for his help two weeks ago, but found out he hasn't helped. Why? She wants a job there too. But told her husband to wait to help him so she can get hired first. He figured if he wasn't going to get help he will justndo it himself. He needs a better job since we have a baby. So she lied to the big boss and now he is down a job. His other job is a "call when we have work" type of job. Now DH is depressed because our friend acted like a word that rhymes with runt. It wouldn't bother me so much, but she acts like if people go against her wishes she should try to ** them over. My husband says they are struggling but can afford to go out to Starbucks or McDonalds all the time. Uuugh thanks. It almost makes me want to say something to her but that wouldn't do amy good because she might tell someone I attacked her or something.
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