July 2012 Moms

Side sleeping?? Fussiness ALL night??

So my DS can already roll over both ways, which scares the crap out of me at night. Since he has figured out how to do this a few days ago he has been sleeping on his side every night and will sometime roll all the way over to his tummy (he usually can only get to his side because he ends up too close to the side of the crib). When I check on him I roll him over to his back but he always wakes up and becomes very fussy and continues to roll to his side. Then ensues the battle of wills. I don't know what to do. I try to put him in bed when he is asleep or just about there but he becomes wide awake as soon as I put him in his crib. It has been taking almost 1 hour after his feeding and pj's to get him to go to sleep.

 Also, for the past couple night he has woken up at midnight, 1:30 and 2:30 because he wants his paci and he is fussy and it may take another 30 minutes plus to get him back to sleep. He isn't hungry but just doesn't seem to want to sleep. He then does want to eat between 3-4 so I get up and feed him and again he will be fussy for almost an hour and I can't get him back down without a fight and his constantly rolling to his side. I don't know what I am doing wrong but am getting so stressed out and tired!! We have tried moving bedtime up to put him down eariler, tried baths, feed him 6 ounces before bed, give him his reflux med 30 mins before his feeding, he HATES being swaddled, he naps okay during the day (but only in his swing)...i don't know what else to do. DH wants to just move him to his swing at night when he is being fussy but I don't know if that is a good idea. I have to go back to work in a week and I work in an ER so I have to be able to function. HELP!!!

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