
Newborn questions...from a 3rd timer!

This is my 3rd time nursing, so you'd think I would remember this, but it seems that every time is so different.  Here is some background info.  DD is 6 days old, EBF, 8lbs, full term.  Hopefully you ladies can help with a few questions:


1. When does milk supply/initial engorgement regulate? I am very uncomfortable this time with initial engorgement.  

2. Is it ok that she often only takes 1side? And can empty it in like 15 minutes? My boys were preterm and they often took like 50-60 minutes per nursing session and took both sides.

3. Today she spit up some blood.  My one nipple is a little cracked/bloody.  Sould I be worried or just assume its from my cracked nipple? She's not overly gassy and an overall happy baby.

4. Is it normal for my nipples to still be this sore? I went to a LC and she said my latch is perfect, but my little one is a very strong effective nurser so it may just take my body some time to get used to her. 

5. Any tips for getting a baby to open their mouth wider? We usually have to  latch/unlatch a few times until she gets angry and actually opens her mouth wide enough to get a good latch.

6. She almost never wants to burp. Is that ok since she's not using a bottle? Or does she need to burp every time? 

thanks for all the advice! 

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