March 2013 Moms

Family Rudeness - Hormonal Long Vent

I've been trying not to let this get to me, but I've been stewing over it for 5 days and I'm still pretty pissed and upset. I'm sure it's just my hormones, but...

A little background-  DH's newest "aunt" just married into the family in Feb (they eloped without telling anyone) and just had her first child in June. She's known the family for maybe 2-2.5 years. DH and I have been together for almost 9 years, and were married this April after an 18 month engagement. I've been through every crazy christmas, every wedding, funeral, birthday party, and major holiday. I consider his family to be my family, and I'm closer to most of them than to my own family in many cases.

At a family party on Saturday, I overheard her discussing with one of DH's cousins husband how he was related to her baby. I think she came up with cousins-in-law. Then she rather loudly proclaims (I'm not sure she realized I was in the room) that, "Kat's baby is the only baby that won't be related to anyone."

I figured I didn't hear her correctly, and I tried to brush it off. Later I spoke to one of DH's other aunts, who is due 2 weeks before me and who I see more as a SIL because we are also close in age. She told me that she was standing right there, that I had heard the statement correctly, and she had no idea what the other woman had meant by it.

 I'm not sure what she meant either, but I feel like she made it sound like my baby (who will be the first of his/her generation on that side of the family) is completely insignificant, and not part of the family. OBVIOUSLY the baby is related to me and to DH, and DH is way more related to anyone there than she is, I mean it's not like we're bums that drop in for free food. DH has two adopted cousins, and they aren't technically related, but they are still his cousins and definitely family!

My bottom line is: How DARE this woman, who has recently had a child herself, come into my MIL's house and speak about my unborn baby like he/she doesn't matter? I would think that someone who has recently had a child would have more sense than to say anything unkind about someones child like that. It's not like what she said was true, but it was hurtful!  Her baby is terribly ugly, but I would never say that to anyone other than DH in the privacy of our own home. I certainly wouldn't announce it to a large room of people at a party she's attending!

I'm so hurt and angry at this point, I have no interest in trying to be friendly with her anymore.

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