
Nursing beyond a year?

Hi all,

My little one will be a year old in about a month (hard to believe!). My goal from the beginning was to nurse him until he was a year old. Now that we are rapidly approaching that date, I am wondering if we should wean after 12 months or continue nursing. Does anyone have any resources that discuss the benefits of nursing beyond a year?

I absolutely love our nursing relationship, but I have a few reasons why I am considering weaning..

  1. He has never slept through the night. He will sleep about 4-6 hours at a time and then wake up wanting to nurse.
  2. I work full time, and I am ready to be done with pumping, cleaning pump parts and storing milk.
  3. I have such dry eyes from the hormonal changes, that I can not wear my contacts without developing blurry and slightly double vision. My glasses are very thick and less than attractive. (Very superficial reason, I know.)
  4. I also have tingly feet and legs (occasionally hands as well!) that a normal MRI and multiple blood tests have led my Dr. to believe is related to breastfeeding, hormones and lack of sleep.

So, as much as I love breastfeeding, there are some reasons that I would like to get back to "normal", if that even exists anymore. :)

I've talked with a lactation consultant who said that I can continue however I feel comfortable, even if that means dropping the pumping sessions and only nursing when I am with my son, although that probably wouldn't help my hormonal issues. If I do stop pumping and only nurse when I am with him in the mornings and at night, won't my supply totally tank? 

What did everyone else do after hitting the 12 month mark?

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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