
AW: Never thought I'd be able to do that

We had a rough start to breastfeeding. My LO had a tongue tie and did some major damage early on. It was always serious work to breastfeed properly, and we had to be very careful with the latch.

Today (DS is 12 weeks now), I was shopping at the thrift store. DS was having a fussy day, so I was doing a lot of carrying him while pushing the stroller around the store. One of the times I went to pick him up out of the stroller *again* I had him in the cradle hold and he gave me sideways lips and turned into my breast. I thought "why not?" I was wearing a shirt I could pull down, there was no one in my aisle, and the racks are close together and packed.

I totally nursed him while continuing to walk along the rack and browse!

I've read about you super women doing that, but never thought breastfeeding would get easy enough for us to be able to do that. I felt like super mom.

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