
should I be concerned with decrease in weight gain?

My LO is 4 1/2 months old.  She started out gaining roughly 1.5 oz/day for the first 3 months, but slowed in the last month to about .4 oz/day.  I know .5 - 1 oz/day is normal, but to me that is a big drop.  It still puts her at about 1.1 oz/day on average over the last 4 months if I look at the weight gain overall, but I know that is driven by the large gains in the beginning.  The pedi wasn't concerned, she dropped from the 96th to the 90th percentile in weight (she is 98th for height), so she is not a small baby by any means.

This slow down in growth coincided (I think) with her STTN.  To compensate for no more night feedings I feed her more during the day now, but that only works for so much as she won't eat if she's not hungry, so I can't force more on her, nor would I want to.

My current thinking is to not panic Smile and just keep going along and take her in for a weight check this week or next.  But is there a point where I should be concerned?  Or do BF babies sometimes hit a plateau for a bit before picking up more growth again?  I guess I also wonder if it's me (supply) or her (eating less).

Thanks for any thoughts on this.


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