
My pedi told me to wean!

So today we had our 12 month well baby visit.  Unlike the post below, my LO is gaining and has consistently been in the 50-75% for height and weight.  He's 23lbs 5oz, 30.5 in.  My pedi told me that I should use up the remaining formula I have and transition over to WCM.  When I told him I am still breastfeeding and don't use formula, he said - it's time to wean.  I was so caught off guard that I didn't say anything at the time, but the more I think about it now, the madder I get.  This guy basically just told me to stop giving my son the human milk made especially for him, and replace it with milk made for a cow....????  I get that WCM is a good food for babies...but not better than breastmilk!!  I'm obviously going to ignore his advice and wean when my son and I are ready...but I just couldn't believe he said that!  Is this normal advice for a 12 month old??
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