
Anyone rent a Symphony?

I'm currently breastfeeding my 2nd son - my oldest is 3 I bf'd for 6 months with him - no issues.  My current son, we've had weeks of a battle against thrush and this weekend I ended up in the ER with a bad case of mastitis (they almost admitted me).  My doc wrote me a script for a hospital grade pump because when I was in the ER, it made a world of difference for me in terms of comfort when pumping.  I used a Pump in Style with my oldest.  My insurance won't cover a dime of it, which is annoying but I rented it anyway.

My question is - its so heavy and bulky - did you lug it back and forth to work? I go back in a few weeks and will reevaluate if I should rent for another month.  I wanted to rent it at least a month to get through this mastitis and rebuild my supply. 

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