July 2012 Moms

Re: Angelcare/Snuza

So I have zero interest in a huge debate over these things, but am genuinely curious if anyone knows why the NICHD (National Institute of Child and Human Development) SIDS prevention brochure includes the following:

"Do not use home heart or breathing monitors to reduce the risk of SIDS. If you have questions about using these monitors for other health conditions, talk with your baby?s health care provider."

Link: http://www.nichd.nih.gov/publications/pubs_details.cfm?from=&pubs_id=5794

Basically they are saying DO NOT use an Angelcare or Snuza.  Do they just say this because they could potentially encourage complacency related to other things (back to sleep, blankets, bumpers, etc.)?   That's my guess, but I'm wondering if anyone knows anything else.

CuteFeet1 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Cloth diapering, exclusively pumping SAHM to baby girl M, born 6/27/2012 with T21.
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