1st Trimester

Intro - hopefully sticking around

Hi everyone - sorry in advance for the length

I have been a lurker for awhile since my DH and I have been TTC for almost a year.  I finally got a BFP about a week ago with beta levels that are consistently rising.  This is a bit of a surprise since I didn't get a positive opk the last month and assumed I didn't ovulate due to stress from work.  I must have ovulated later than normal.  We are so excited and crossing our fingers that this baby sticks.

 The reason(s) I am afraid to get too excited:

 I have been spotting since before I got my BFP.  I had thought my period had come later than normal and was lighter than normal but when I tested (after an opk came up positive sooner than I thought it possibly could) and got my positive I was worried that I've been spotting essentially the entire time I've been pregnant.

 This past weekend I suddenly got some pretty intense cramps (worse than period) and bright red bleeding with clots.  We went to the hospital and the ER doctor said I was most likely having a miscarriage.  My betas had quadrupled since my initial test and the u/s tech saw nothing unusual.  She measured me really early - too soon to see anything more than the gestational sac.

 I followed up with my obgyn and he retested my betas (had quadrupled again in a little over 48 hours).  He ordered another u/s - still too early to see anything more than the sac.  He put me on bed rest for a week until the spotting stops and I have a recheck again in a week.  

I am going nuts waiting.  I am not the type of person who just sits around and I cannot stop thinking about the 'what ifs.'  I am trying to stay positive but I am still having light spotting (bright red) and occasional cramps.  I have not moved off of the couch except to pee or go to bed and I am drinking water like its my job.  

 Has anyone else had spotting through most of their pregnancy (this one or a previous one) with a good outcome?   

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