
nursing strike?

My LO is 3 1/2 months. She is a chunky monkey - well over 15 lbs. 

The first month of BF was really hard. LO was lazy and didn't gain wait until after two weeks. Nursing took forever - at least 45 minutes, usually both sides. As soon as she was done nursing, I had about 20 minutes before we had to start all over again.

About a month ago, things got really great. LO started taking one side, only 12 minutes. Then, it lowered to 8 minutes, usually every 2 hours, though sometimes she would do a longer stretch. At that point, I had some engorgement issues but it's all settled now. She still wakes 2-3 times a night to eat. 

Lately, she is taking only 5-6 minutes to nurse on an erratic schedule, often crying at the boob, pulling off and spitting up a lot. She still has wet diapers and is pretty happy.

Should I be worried or is this normal development for BF babies?

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