1st Trimester

What's the verdict on Mio?

The water enhancer. 

It seems like last time I avoided Crystal Light because of aspertame.  This stuff doesn't have aspertame - but sure it has some other fake sweetener.  I haven't found too much info on it - have you? 

I know this is weird, but I'm not a fan of plain water and with a little nausea it makes it hard to drink so I like to flavor it a bit.  I'm guessing anything in moderation - but let's be realistic, I drink a lot of water now.

Background: Dx with PCOS 11/08. IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = B/G Twins, born 8/09 at 33 weeks. TTC #3. Round 2 of Letrozole and TI. BFP Due June 7, 2013 Diagnosed with missed miscarriage 10/30/2012 at 8 1/2 wks.
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