
Advice: Pedi told me to wean my 12 mo old

My DD has always been on the small side. She was 6lbs10oz at birth. At her 12 month checkup today, she was 17 lbs and 29.5 inches tall. At her 9 month appt, she was 16.5 lbs, which was only a little over a pound gained from her 6 month. The pedi expressed a little concern at her 9 mo. appt, but since her height and head circumference growth was on track, she chalked it up to learning to crawl.

DD is a grazer and has never really taken to solid foods. I have been giving her WCM in a straw cup for the last few weeks, but she spits it out after the first few drinks. I got her to take more of it by warming it in a bottle, but I really don't want to make bottles a habit at this age.

Because she mostly snacks and starts throwing her food after a few bites, I encourage her to nurse to fill her tummy and give her the nutrients she needs. The pedi suspects (and me, too) that my supply is not so great anymore. Pedi suggested weaning and giving her 3 full meals with 16 oz of WCM. 

I was too in shock to argue much at the time, but does anyone have any advice or opinions for me? I love BFing, and so does DD (she now pulls down my shirt and signs for milk). I don't really feel like weaning, but I also want to make sure she's getting enough calories to gain weight and grow. Is it worth it to work on my supply? How do I wean if I SAH? The pedi suggested going away for a weekend to nudge DD to take more solids and WCM, but that seems too harsh to me.

 Thanks in advance! I'm having a really hard time thinking about this logically and would love someone to offer some objective advice. 

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