July 2012 Moms

I'm a horrible mother

After weeks of trying to to figure out why LO is so fussy/gassy and generally unhappy, I have finally figured it out. We've tried elimation diets, we've tried doing all formula, soy, organic, treating for colic, everything. Then, this morning, I pumped and my husband looked at my milk and said, "Is it supposed to look that watery?"


I did some research and yup- definitely a foremilk/hindmilk oversupply kind of thing going on. I had never thought to look at the milk I was pumping. I went back and looked at my stash and it's all watery and all about 1-2 oz in each bag.

All this time - all 8 weeks- my poor child has been hurting because I had never thought of the issue being an oversupply one. Poor girl.

However, at least now I know! And, as an update to my last post about sleeping issues. I nursed her as recommended for oversupply issues and POOF! she napped. During the day. For like an hour. That never happens. :)

Mommy redeemed.

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