
Not gaining enough because of too much sleep?

This is the 3rd child that I have EBFed, and though my other 2 were 90% babies she is much smaller.  At 2 weeks and a few days she had gained back to her birth weight and I never really thought anything of her weight gain until I took her to the Dr last week because I thougth she had an ear infection.  At over a week later the scale said 1 oz. more than before.  The dr never said anything and I don't know why I didn't think to ask about it there, but I came home and freaked a little.  She is a SLEEPER, and when I say that she can sleep from 10:30pm to 6:30am be up only 15 mins after eating and then sleep until 1:00pm and then wake to eat and sleep until 6:00 pm and then have a fussy time with a few 5-15 min naps but mostly awake. 

With my first one I terrorized myself and her trying to wake her to eat though she was gaining fine.  I was not going to do that this time around.  We go back to the dr tomorrow.  It was always my understanding that if they are having enough wet and poopie diapers and were not trying to eat all the time/fussy and not frustrated while nursing that they were fine. 

I am wondering if anyone else has had a baby that is happy but not gaining?


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