1st Trimester

Not feeling preggo

Hi ladies. Hope all you ladies are doing well. Excited to be part of this community. So I'm sure this question gets asked a lot.... why don't I feel preggo? I had IUI on Sept 12, got a BFP on Sept 26, beta#1- 241, beta#2- 656, first U/S scheduled for next Monday, 10/8. I did have sore boobs and still do here and there. I feel bloated and very tired, but I'm going to bed very late and up early so it's hard to tell if it's that. This week is week 5 for me and I've read how most have morning sickness and feel sick.... I feel nothing. I'm just worried since I've had a MC in the past and I guess I'm extra concerned about it happening again. I know.... Its still very early in my pregnancy. Maybe I'll feel sick next week. LOL. (I'm nuts to want to feel sick, but it's kind of part of this miracle and I want to experience it all). Thanks for listening. Happy & Healthy 9 months to you all!
Married 11/28/01. Me: 31- Elevated FSH 9.1 Hubby: 35- Low sperm count/mobility/ RA meds. TTC since Oct 2010. BFP- Nov 2010, ended in MC Dec 2010. Laporoscopy for possbile ectopic/D&C. TTC again since March 2011- no success. Fertility Dr- May 2012. Lots of B/W, HSG, Laporoscopy. All came back normal. Determined it was a male factor. IUI#1- Sept 2012. Clomid, 2 shots of Bravelle, 1 trigger shot of Ovidrel and daily progetrone suppositories. 4 Follicles,3 good ones, 1 small one. TWW.
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