
Worried about another C-section

Hi all,

I had an emergency c-section with my twins in July 2010. They were full term and about 7lbs each.. I'm only 5'4" and typically around 125lbs so needless to say, I was stretched to the max! Just after the babies came out, I hemorraged because my uterus had basically given up. They were able to stop the bleeding but I had to have blood transfusions and it was quite scary.

We just learned we are expecting again! I am nervous of bleeding out at another c-section. If this is a singleton pregnancy (I think it is, thank goodness), then the odds are much lower.. but I'm still very nervous.

 Has anyone hemorraged in c-section and had a successful section after that?

 Thank you!!

 p.s. I dont want Mom's freaking out this will happen to them during a c-section. It's highly unlikely. It only happened to me because I carried twins on a small frame for 40 weeks, and they were pretty big. No worries!

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