
My 4th C-section experience!

It all went well. I can't complain. I'm healing wonderfully. I did have some scar tissue and adhesions, but my OB said that it was minimal considering that this was my 4th c-section.

My water broke, so it was a different experience than the last 3. I guess this little guy couldn't wait another 3 days! LOL!

Anesthesiologist was great. My spinal was no problem. And they put in the catheter AFTER the spinal which they never did before (rule change at my hospital). They also didn't pin down my arms (different from last 3 times). I was awake, talking up a storm, and we were all having a good time in the OR.

I also had my tubes tied. I think that 4 kids is enough and given my age, I don't think I can handle any more. Maybe if I were younger (like 10 years younger). They ask you a GAZILLION times to make sure that you want them tied before and DURING the c-section. Also, since this was a private Catholic hospital, they will ONLY tie your tubes if you have 3+ c-sections. I had to fill out paperwork, it had to go before the board, and I had to be approved for the tubal. So, it is a process to get it done there.

I got to nurse in recovery (another rule change). It was great. He latched on immediately and nursed like a champ. It was awesome to be able to do that. I wasn't able to the last 3 times. The LC stayed with me pretty much the entire time he nursed. They didn't bathe him, or do anything else until I was able to nurse. I like this new initiative if you want to BF.

The LC was there at least once a day, if not twice. I've had her before for all of the kids but they are really doing well at giving info to moms that want to BF.........lots of BF support.

Nursing staff is great. A lot of them were the same from the last 3 times and 2 of them remembered me enough to ask if I had other kids there..........

No massage which I've gotten before. But, that's fine by me. Not a big deal.

Food? Eh, not that great, but I needed bland food anyway! LOL!

I only took Motrin in the hospital and am just taking Motrin at home. I handle pain really well..........

I had a different OB for this c-section and met her only 2 weeks beforehand. Everything went smoothly. She was great, and all in all, I'm happy with the whole experience.........
image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
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