July 2012 Moms

Baptisim IL vent

I am nonreligious, I might describe myself as agnostic with atheistic tendencies...

So, of course, my Inlaws are hounding us to baptize LO. Arrrrrgh!

I understand that religion has value, I grew up going to church. I don't judge believers, in fact I envy their faith.

To baptize my child however feels dishonest and insinscere. A ceremony like that should be deeply meaningful and it requires a truthful committment to the church and it's teachings.

Riddle me this friends, why is it that I, the godless heathen, am the one with a moral objection to just going through the motions?

Anyone else fighting this fight with your ILs or SOs?

Thanks for listening, just needed to vent. BTW love the July 2012 love fest that's been going on recently. You ladies rock!!!
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